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Melbourne Migration International


Press Inquiries

Please direct press inquiries to our office in Sydney:  Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!We regret that our contacts in the press office can only answer questions from journalists.


We look forward to meeting you

With more than 70 independent Registered Migration Agents and Immigration Lawyers, we provide comprehensive, high quality immigration services for all sorts of visa applications for Australia.

Melbourne Migration International is here to help you. Discover our office locations outside of Victoria and different ways to email us so that we can provide you with the support you need.


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Seminars & Conferences
TicketsLos Angeles (California)

Upgrade Your Lifestyle

08. October 2025

TicketsMunich (Germany)

Upgrade Your Lifestyle

01. October 2025

TicketsDubai (UAE)

Upgrade Your Lifestyle

22. September 2025

Free Online Visa Assessment

Click here

Business Solutions

Click here

For 10 years running our conferences aimed at skilled professionals and business and investor migrants with an interest in living, working or investing in Australia have been recognized by the Victorian Government as strengthening the ties between the countries.

See how we can help you. You can send your query directly to us:
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